Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What's Goin' On?

It's February, which usually means my New Year Resolutions are kaput. Kept a journal? Go fish. Stayed organized? Yeah, right. Lost 10 lbs? Not with my undying love for pasta and all things carbohydrate.

But this year I tried to make my goals a bit more accessible.
1. Try veganism for a month (Let's be honest, I love butter and mac-n-cheese way too much for this. But I said a month, which is applicable to any of the ten remaining months. Probably not helping with my goal of not procrastinating, but I'm too far gone on that one already. Not procrastinating can be my resolution next year. Ba dm ch.)
2. Try a new thing every month (Okay, this one I sort of stole from Friends. That show is full of infinite wisdom. Plus I've been binge-watching it for a month. Could I BE more of a second semester senior?)
3. Make a change.

Make a change!, you scoff, holding a fake mustache on a stick to your upper lip and talking in a deep Scottish accent. What do you think this is? Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror"?

But despite your fake Scottish scoffing, there are so many simple ways to make a change close to home. And now I will list them!


Global Engagement
**SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT** Hands of Peace is an incredible organization I've participated in for the past two summers. It's only a little under 3 weeks in the middle of July, and it will change your life. If you can't participate but have a family around this summer, why not be a host family? Or you can donate and support scholarships for participants and the costs of the meals and activities.

Matanya's Hope is another fairly local organization. Their goal is to "save the world, one child at a time". They are looking for donations, from cash to school supplies to jackets.

Good at music?
The Glenbrook Hospital has a lobby for members of the community to perform in. If you go to Glenbrook South, talk to Mr. S in the choral department about signing up for a time slot to represent GBS.

What about theater?
Check out Special Gifts Theater in Chicago, Winnetka, and Palatine. If you have the time to volunteer, they have spots for peer mentors/buddies to engage the kids with special gifts. It's a wonderful organization, and they sponsor various fundraisers throughout the year that you can also participate in, such as 5k walk/runs. (I would walk.)

Computer nerd? 
Try Tab for a Cause, a Google Chrome extension that donates money to with every new tab opened. You can choose where the money goes--education, water, human rights, etc. And you don't even have to leave your house.

Last weekend, I met a woman who designed simple water strips to test the cleanliness of water. People were meant to fill plastic bags with water and leave it out in the sun with the strip of paper in it. When the paper turned color, the water was safe to drink. The materials? Plastic bags. Paper. The sun. The cost? $0.03.

There are so many simple ways to engage your community and your world.  

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